Cymose inflorescence types

What is cymose inflorescence and its types?

Racemose and cymose are two types of inflorescence, i.e. arrangement of flowers around the main axis. In racemose, the main axis continues to grow indefinitely and the flowers are borne laterally. In cymose inflorescence, flowers are borne terminally on the floral axis and shows determinate growth of the main axis.

What are the examples of cymose inflorescence?

What is Cymose Inflorescence? Ans. In this type of inflorescence, the young flower buds are at the bottom, and the older ones are at the top. Some cymose inflorescence examples are night jasmine, Drosera, common European elder etc.

What are the types of inflorescence?

  • Types of Inflorescence (Floral structure)
  • Spike — an elongate, unbranched, indeterminate inflorescence with sessile flowers.
  • Spikelet — a small spike, characteristic of grasses and sedges.
  • Raceme — an elongate, unbranched, indeterminate inflorescence with pedicelled flowers.
  • Panicle — a branched raceme.

What is Cymose determinate inflorescence?

In determinate (cymose) inflorescences, the youngest flowers are at the bottom of an elongated axis or on the outside of a truncated axis. … The terminal head on the main axis blooms first, followed by the terminal heads of the main branches. After that the sequence is mixed, with both cymose and racemose components.

What is Monochasial and dichasial cyme?

In biparous or dichasial cyme, a terminal flower is subtended by two lateral branches which also end in flowers. The process is repeated. … Each cluster consists of a dichasial cyme with monochasial branches. Thyrsus is cymose clusters borne acropetally on an axis.

Is Solanum cymose inflorescence?

Solanaceae have cymose inflorescence as it has a determinate growth in which the inflorescence meristem terminates into a floral bud followed by the next floral meristem. Hence, Solanum shows cymose inflorescence.

What is androecium and gynoecium?

Androecium and gynoecium are the two, opposite reproductive organs of the flower, the sexual reproductive structures in angiosperms. Androecium is also called stamens, which comprises of anther and filaments while gynoecium is also called the pistil or carpel, which comprises of stigma, style, and ovary.